The article proves that the land resources of Ukraine have a significant potential for the development of various branches of the economy and ensuring the appropriate living standard of the population. However, the use of these resources and their management should be carried out taking into account the environmental and social consequences, ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas and the country in general. It is substantiated that the management of land resources is an important process for ensuring the sustainable development of the territory and the country's economy. Management of land resources can be carried out at different levels: state, local and intra-household. In the process of research, the main theories of land resource management were singled out. Theoretical approaches to effective management of land resources are considered and the main ones are outlined. It is substantiated that ecological, economic, social and integrated approaches are key to achieving effective land use. The ecological approach is focused on ensuring the preservation of the environment and biodiversity, which allows for the sustainable development of rural areas in the future. The economic approach involves the effective use of land resources to ensure the country's economic growth. The social approach to land management aims to ensure social justice and access to land resources for all population groups. An integrated approach provides comprehensive efficiency of land resource management, which is achieved by combining various components. It is substantiated that the implementation of theoretical approaches to the management of land resources is of great importance for ensuring the sustainable development of the country in the conditions of the completion of administrative-territorial and land reforms. It is also important to take into account the international experience of land management and use it for the development of appropriate policies in the country. For example, UN land management programs can help develop effective land management policies in a country.
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