Keywords: economy, national economy, macroeconomic growth, economic model, strategic priorities


The study emphasizes the relevance of the formation and implementation of the state policy of forming a model of stable macroeconomic growth in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to update attention to the most problematic aspects, factors and obstacles, as well as to substantiate the priorities of the model of stable macroeconomic growth in Ukraine. The scale of the losses of the Ukrainian economy in the conditions of a full-scale war is shown. The conceptual model of stable macroeconomic growth of Ukraine is substantiated, consisting of 10 principled consecutive steps, the passage of which allows to achieve macroeconomic stabilization, as well as to move to a structurally balanced development of the national economy. It is proved that the model of economic growth is a vision of a set of systemic gradual steps, the implementation of which fundamentally changes the nature of economic relations, views on development and value orientations, the structure of social reproduction and development priorities of future generations. The dominant stages of changes that should take place in Ukraine as a result of the implementation of the state policy model of macroeconomic growth stabilization are identified, namely, the eradication of systemic defects in the functioning and development of the national economy system (the tasks of regulation at this stage are defined as overcoming systemic corruption, systemic deshadowing of economic relations, de-offshoreization and preservation of capitals), gradual transition to economic growth (the tasks of this stage are defined as strengthening macroeconomic security, realization of entrepreneurial potential, use of internal reserves, realization of foreign trade potential) and formation of a resource base for long-term stable planned development (with the tasks of ensuring macroeconomic stabilization, realization of foreign investment potential). The system of sectoral priorities of the model of stable macroeconomic growth in Ukraine has been identified. The determined policy priorities are aimed at localization and leveling of challenges and threats to the functioning and development of such basic types of economic activity for Ukraine as industry, agroindustrial complex, transport and communication, AIC, creative industries.


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