Keywords: competitiveness, national economy, country, analysis, methods, methodology


The article highlights the leading target orientations and principles according to the functional and struc-tural characteristics of ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy. It was emphasized that the existing meth-ods of compiling international competitiveness ratings are sufficiently high-quality and professional. The advantages of multivariate statistical analysis and economic-mathematical modeling of the competitiveness of the national economy are listed. It was concluded that in the formation of the methodology of the research of the competitiveness of the national economy, the type of organization that is formed in one or another country serves as an important aspect. As-pects of balance and parity of interests in matters of import substitution and realization of export potential are included among the criterion features of the competitiveness of the national economy. The spatial and structural characteristics of the procedures for analyzing the competitiveness of the national economy are provided. As a result of summarizing a number of studies on the competitiveness of the national economy, a combination of steps for its analysis is highlighted. Emphasis is placed on substantiating the concepts of the effectiveness of the country’s trade and production activities when analyzing its competitiveness. Scientific provisions are substantiated, according to which the so-called concept of the country's ability to attract key factors of production is the basis for analyzing the competitiveness of the national economy. It is proposed not to reject supporters of the concept of constant innovative technological development in the study of the competitiveness of the national economy. It was found that the methodological basis largely determines the totality and sequence of the use of the most adequate methodological approaches to analyzing the competitiveness of national economies. It was emphasized that for any methodological approach, it is important to decide on a set of indi-cators and/or values that will be analyzed.


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