The article considers the process of integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) into the activities of Ukrainian enterprises under war conditions. It is noted that many domestic and foreign scientists have been engaged in the chosen topic for many years, and various business structures in the Internet environment demonstrate their inter-est in conducting research by presenting analytical reports and developing appropriate recommendations from the point of view of practitioners. It has been determined that one of the most common problems of slow integration of CSR into the activities of domestic enterprises is insufficient understanding of the process of its organization by managers in war conditions, limited access to information on the involvement of CSR in their own strategic plans. The study propos-es a scheme that facilitates the implementation of CSR programs at all levels of the enterprise management structure and what tools should be used for this. It is also proposed to apply a mechanism for integrating CSR, which will con-tribute to strengthening its own competitive position and its sustainable development by understanding the key princi-ples of implementing CSR programs, creating appropriate business processes that will popularize their activities in society, especially in war conditions. It is noted that promising directions of development, based on the results of CSR implementation, can be considered production, information and logistics processes; labor potential; sales activities; growth of product quality parameters; growth of financial flows and investment attractiveness. Subject to the principles of an integrated approach and consistency, we can expect an increase in efficiency and sustainability, as well as an increase in the competitiveness of the enterprise, an increase in the authority and level of business reputation. By im-plementing CSR initiatives, the company contributes not only to its own future, but also solves local and global prob-lems of society.
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