Keywords: economic security of the state, directions and means of strengthening, financial sector, debt security, financial monitoring, state financial and economic policy, threats and challenges of stabilization


In the conditions of a full-scale war, considering the critically high burden and budget expenditures, the issue of ensuring Ukraine's national debt security became extremely relevant. The article focuses on the issue of ensur-ing Ukraine's economic security, in particular in terms of achieving an adequate level of debt security and effective use of financial monitoring tools. The purpose of the study was to analyze debt security and determine ways to improve the tools of financial monitoring in the system of strengthening the economic security of the state. The value of indicators of Ukraine's debt security in 2017-2021 was analyzed, based on which it was shown that the issue of ensuring Ukraine's debt security has been updated. Solving this task requires the implementation of a system of instruments for state regu-lation of the country's financial sector in two directions: (1) direct financial measures, (2) economic means of indirect influence. The tools of the first direction include: transition to strategic management of the state debt, expansion of cooperation with international financial organizations, improvement of the quality of medium-term forecasting and planning of the state financial and security policy, optimization of the volume, structure, value and sources of repay-ment of the state's debt obligations, activation of the development of internal financial market, ensuring monitoring of corporate debt. The leading instruments of the second direction are defined as: ensuring the balance of the money sup-ply, improving the parameters of the financial and credit sector, detinization of the monetary and credit sector, counter-ing the challenges of globalization in the monetary and credit sphere. It has been determined that a significant comple-mentary tool of the state policy of ensuring the financial and, through it, the economic security of the state is the finan-cial monitoring tool, which should be institutionalized in Ukraine within the framework of the analysis and planning of the state security policy.


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