The study of the problems of ensuring the appropriate level of financial security of households is a rela-tively new direction of the financial science development. The article examines theoretical approaches to determining the essence of the concept of household financial security. The authors proposed to consider the financial security of the household as an adaptive system of financial relations between the household, the financial market and the government, which provide the prerequisites for protection of households from external and internal threats. The main threats affect-ing the financial security of households have been studied and analyzed. It has been proven that financial inclusion in combination with trust in the financial and credit system and increasing the level of public financial literacy is a stimu-lating factor for directing savings to the investment sphere, reducing the level of shadowing of the economy and, as a result, ensuring financial security. The article focuses on the existence of a rather low level of financial inclusion in Ukraine, which does not allow the full use of the population’s savings resource. After the victory, it is the use of the population's savings as an internal financial resource of the state that will make it possible, firstly, to reduce depend-ence on external financing, and secondly, for the households themselves to receive a stable passive income. It is empha-sized in the article that today measures aimed at increasing the financial literacy of the population are needed through constant information in the mass media and social networks about the possibilities of managing financial resources. Such actions will contribute to restore confidence in the financial and credit sector and ultimately increase the financial security of households and Ukraine. It was concluded that, in addition to other important factors, financial inclusion in combination with trust in the financial and credit system on the part of the population and businesses can ensure the financial security of the households.
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