The purpose of the article is to highlight the special importance of accounting as a tool for economic and legal coordination of the economic interests of business participants under the conditions of the dynamic development based on formed narratives. In the process of the research the prerequisites for using the narrative approach, identify-ing the parties (participants) of economic interests, general scientific methodological techniques were used, in particu-lar induction and deduction. Structural-logical and semantic analysis were used to clarify the risks associated with the implementation of a modern management strategy, which, accordingly, models the system of interests of the partici-pants of economic mutual calculations, as well as the possible negative impact on the practice of their implementation. Grouping and classification - to justify the criteria for distinguishing varieties of interest theories in order to determine the opposing interests of the participants and, accordingly, their harmonization. The information base of the research is made up of the works of local and foreign scientists concerning the impact of accounting methodology on the coordina-tion of interests of business participants, materials of international scientific and practical conferences, results of per-sonal experience and observations. The results of the study prove that research narratives for a defined purpose have wide opportunities to set the order, organization and desired coherence of economic interests, to change and adjust them due to the flexibility and openness of the accounting methodology. The levels of economic relationships and the corresponding functional loading of accounting as a tool of coordinating the informational interests of all participants in socio-economic relations, as well as the influence of modern concepts of the development of the accounting system based on sustainable development and digitalization, are analyzed. It is concluded that modern narratives about the importance of dynamic changes (updates) of accounting methodology under the influence of growing information re-quests focus on creating long-term business value based on the principles of transparency, effective business ethics for all participants in economic relations.
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