The article examines the current problems of international labor migration, which is an undeniable factor in the development of the world economy and international economic relations in recent decades. In the course of the study, it was determined that the integration of Ukraine into the world economy intensified the process of the state's inclusion in the processes of international migration, therefore, in this context, the issue of the impact of international labor migration on the economic development and labor markets of the countries of origin of migrants and host coun-tries becomes especially relevant. It was found that the regulation of international labor migration, which is a complex process, requires special attention, as it is influenced by many factors. It has been proven that when the state ensures compliance with international standards for regulating migration flows, taking into account both national interests and the interests of external migrants, such a policy contributes to the solution of demographic imbalances, the development of the labor market and helps in the formation of a positive image in the international arena. The main division of in-ternational labor migration into categories is determined, and their features are also characterized. Different degrees of elasticity of international labor migration are considered. The main attention is focused on determining the reasons for the emergence and existence of international labor migration for the countries of the world. Factors pulling/pushing labor migrants from countries of the world are highlighted. The influence of various factors and prerequisites on the development of international labor migration is reflected
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