Keywords: tourism, leisure, risk, risk management, personnel


Risk management for tourism and leisure companies is the process of identifying, analyzing, assessing and controlling the risks associated with their activities. This is an important element of the business management strategy as it allows enterprises to minimize losses and maintain their reputation. The article examines the concept of risk as well as risks sources for tourism and leisure enterprises. The risks arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law in Ukraine are analyzed. It is determined that the success of solving risk problems depends on an effective risk management system. This system has its own specifics and is aimed at developing certain actions to minimize risks impact, identify and control it. The risk management system of tourism and leisure enterprises is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of the enterprise, its employees as well as tourists, recreationists and other clients, and reducing the consequences of negative events. It is proved that risk management should be aimed at providing quality tourism and leisure services that meet the consumers’ requirements and are of a high quality. To achieve this goal it is necessary to ensure the quality of services and provide a high servicing level. It is also important to provide access to information about risks and measures taken to mitigate them. This will help tourists make the right choice of services and ensure their safety. One of the key aspects of establishing a risk management system in tourism and leisure is to ensure proper control over the activities of tourism enterprises and organizations operating in the field of leisure. The control should be aimed at preventing risks and ensuring customer safety. Properly assessing operational, financial and legal risks can help businesses make optimal decisions about how best to manage their operations while ensuring that customers have a pleasant experience when visiting destinations or participating in the activities offered by their busi-ness. Risk management can help businesses remain successful and profitable in a variety of market conditions. To achieve this goal it is necessary to develop effective risk management strategies and contingency plans, ensure proper staff training and the required travel and leisure services quality.


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