Keywords: changes, enterprise changes, resistance to changes, enterprise change management, external environment, internal environment, enterprise adaptation algorithm to changes in the external environment


The article is devoted to issues of change management at the enterprise. Changes accompany every en-terprise regardless of its own wishes, the only question is whether the changes are driven by circumstances or by the company itself. Effectively managing these changes can be a critical success factor for organizations and individual departments. In addition, change management can help: form a team of highly qualified and talented specialists, refor-mat the hybrid way of working, more efficiently hire employees, increase financial results and optimize costs. The arti-cle discusses the genesis of the concept of "enterprise changes". On the basis of the generalized experience of scientists, the analysis of the given definitions, the author's own vision of the term is proposed. Scientists and their approaches to revealing the essence of the term "changes" are identified. Based on the generalization and analysis of the genesis of the term "Enterprise changes", a proper interpretation of this definition is given. The main changes faced by modern companies were studied and the main directions of adaptation of their dynamic external environment were determined. Practical cases of change management of the most successful multinational companies in the world are considered. The main strategies and algorithms of change management and the process of adapting employees to a dynamic external and internal environment are highlighted. The experience of successful companies in reducing the level of resistance to change among employees is considered. Conclusions are made about what unites companies that have a successful change management strategy. The prospect of implementing this experience in the formation of development strategies of domestic companies in the post-war period is considered. For Ukrainian companies that have been operating in conditions of uncertainty for the second year, the change management experience of the most successful companies in the world is quite relevant for the formation of a post-war recovery strategy.


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