• V. B. Hryniv
Keywords: retail, innovation, supply chains, stakeholders, logistics, sustainability


With the beginning of the full-scale war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, a large part of retail trade enterprises found themselves facing challenges that cannot be overcome with standard business development tools. There are a number of systemic risks associated with the war and features of post-war reconstruc-tion, which have a clear negative impact on the ability of the industry to work effectively, which actualizes the need for a conceptual outline of an innovative path to the reconstruction of domestic retail trade to overcome the challenges of an aggressive environment. The main task of the study is the conceptualization of system innovative development in the environment of domestic retail trade as a way to overcome external challenges. It has been proven that the concept of post-war recovery of retail trade needs to take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of enterprises of the industry discovered during the war, and it is expedient to improve trade practices using innovative approaches. It is shown that innovations will allow trade enterprises to improve their competitive positions and performance, optimize interaction with buyers and stakeholders as well as increase capitalization. End-to-end digitization of trade technologi-cal processes and the introduction of cloud business operations, improvement of transport and warehouse logistics and supply chains, implementation of the omni-channel model, strengthening of the image component of own brands and management of consumer behavior are identified as the most promising directions of innovative recovery of retail trade. It has been found that the inclusion of innovative projects in the plans for the recovery of retail trade will have positive effects on the modernization of sales technologies, updating the methods of communication with buyers during contact and contactless transactions, promotion of new products, which in aggregate will contribute to better tion of consumer needs and contribute to the stabilization of trade business in conditions of war and post-war recon-struction. The direction of further research should ensure the development of mechanisms for effective innovation and investment support for the development of retail trade in the conditions of an aggressive fast-changing environment.


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