Domestic trade as a complex system of people's livelihood, mediation of commodity and money exchange and market regulator is at the basis of the functioning of the national economy. The following study made it possible to determine the main trends in the development of domestic trade enterprises for 2010-2022. The war complicated the interrelationships of domestic trade with production and consumption, as a result of which the functions of the industry changed, which required a structural restructuring of the functioning mechanism of Ukraine's domestic trade It has been determined that trade enterprises occupy a decisive place in the structure of economic entities of the national economy. The statistical data confirming this have been summarized and systematized, the change in the number of small, medium and large domestic trade enterprises has been considered, the change in the number of wholesale and retail enterprises has been analyzed, the impact of the development of the retail network on the functioning of wholesale enterprises has been studied. The article pays special attention to the study of the periods associated with the antiterrorist operation and military aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. The following negative trends are observed in the functioning mechanism of Ukraine's internal trade: steady reduction in the number of trade enterprises in both wholesale and retail trade; deconcentration of wholesale trade and excessive concentration of retail trade; a significant share of the activities of micro-enterprises in the structure of wholesale trade enterprises, which develop a small volume of wholesale turnover. In addition to the trends and problems of the functioning of trade enterprises identified in the article, their activities are also affected by the following problems: a reduction in the number of employees in the trade sector, a decrease in the working capital of domestic trade enterprises and a lack of investment in their activities, destroyed shops and warehouses in the regions where military actions took place.
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