Keywords: innovative strategy, innovative growth, formation mechanism, strategic management, enterprise development


The article pays attention to the issue of ensuring the innovative development of economic entities, in particular strategic planning of relevant processes. However, an innovative approach has been proposed and developed, when an innovative development strategy involves a wider range of tasks and, accordingly, is focused on achieving better, more systematic results in this area. The purpose of the article is to develop new methodological and applied approaches to the formation and implementation of the enterprise's innovative development strategy, as well as to provide new content and applied content to the concept of “innovative development strategy” in business. Thus, it is proposed to interpret the innovative strategy of enterprise development as a general plan aimed at achieving the goal and strategic goals of enterprise development in the long term, which is developed and implemented with the application of innovative approaches to strategic management and the toolkit of which provides for the growth and realization of the financial and economic interests of stakeholders due to systematic and effective innovative and technological activity. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development of the concept of a new vision of the innovative strategy of the enterprise's development, according to which new innovative approaches, methods and means of strategic management are applied at the input for strategic planning of the development and realization of the economic potential of the business, and at the output a systemic policy of creation, implementation and commercialization is formed of the results of research and development, R&D and innovative technological activity. The applied value of the obtained results is that an innovative approach to the formation of an innovative strategy for the development of the enterprise has been developed, which involves the gradual completion of three stages: (1) preparatory (formation of the information and analytical basis of strategic planning), (2) diagnostic (analysis of information, integral assessment innovative potential and identifying prospects for innovative development of the enterprise), (3) organizational (definition of the mission, strategic goals, directions of innovative growth of the enterprise, its strategic business units, functional and structural directions, products. The definition of strategic priorities within the innovative strategy of business development is proposed to be carried out by types / types of innovations, namely product, market, business-technological, organizational-management, integration and intellectualpersonnel innovations.


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