The conditions and sociocultural environment of the integral reach of the intentional contents of the intellectual products of the activity of the cognitariat are investigated - the holonomy of axiological patterns of consciousness of the intellectual elites of the nooeconomy. It is argued that the place and way of movement to achieve holonomy of cognitive contents, axiological identity, cultural mentality of subjects of nooeconomy will not be purely market, but symbolic exchange, where the paternal gift-in-response project will remain in monetized form. It is claimed that since the trends of digital technologies flow in the direction of achieving zero marginal costs of the production of an intellectual product, then the objective grounds for the formation of the price of the market offer disappear, and therefore the price mechanism reduces to the subjective uncertainty of setting the price of the product. It is concluded that intellectual projects will preserve the labor content of value in two cases: 1) if they are technological and engineering projects with a predictable degree of capital return and capital intensity and 2) if cognitive texts are not products of intelligible creativity, but sophistical competences of organizational, managerial, consulting and educational services. It is postulated that the holonomic principle of axiological continuity of the cultural mentality of the cognitariat in the dimensions of multi-intellectual-network actualization is an effective tool for assimilating the energy of the challenges of historical fluctuations in the form of large and small "Black Swans". That is, the cognitariat is the type of "imagined community" that is able to constantly produce value patterns of identity reproduction in the form of exchange values thanks to the ontological novelty of the created texts as their consumption value, which serves as the permanent basis of passionate activity. Since the structure of symbolic exchange lacks grounds for distribution contradictions (namely, the sphere of distribution is the root cause of all antagonisms of economic relations), the synergistic effect of the self-growth of value chains in the nooeconomics expands, emancipating from the sphere of production, covering the sphere of exchange and consumption in the totality of temporal determinism - immediacy, which resembles the evangelical effect of feeding five thousand people with five loaves of bread. This is the essence of the negentropic function of the cognitariat in the history of the beginning of a new era - the Conscious Evolution of the noospheric civilization.
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