An analysis of research in the field of diagnosis of the labor potential of the enterprise was carried out, the necessity of using the toolkit of economic diagnostics for managing the labor potential of enterprises in the conditions of the war and the post-war period was substantiated, since the outflow of labor potential abroad led to a significant decrease in the quality of the labor potential of the country in general. The purpose of the article was to research the methods, ways and possibilities of diagnosing the labor potential of an enterprise for socially responsible activities in war conditions, the formation of an integral indicator for the complex diagnosis of the labor potential of an enterprise. The imbalance between labor supply and demand was analyzed, trends in the country's labor potential during the war were studied. The labor potential of the enterprise in the conditions of martial law was presented as an integrated value of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the workforce. The structural elements of the labor potential of the employee in the conditions of martial law were proposed. It was proven that a socially responsible enterprise must be interested in diagnosing the labor potential in order to ensure its preservation during the war and further development as the main factor of production. Approaches to justifying the system of indicators for diagnosing the labor potential of the enterprise were given. A formalized model of the enterprise's labor potential and its dependence on awareness and organizational culture was presented. The functional dependence of the labor potential on the potentials of the components of intellectual capital, their innovative and competitive activity was substantiated. An integral indicator for a complex diagnostics of the enterprise's labor potential was developed, taking into account both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Further research should be aimed to the use of diagnostic tools when substantiating the mechanisms for the implementation of the internal social responsibility of enterprises in the context of ensuring uninterrupted economic activity with labor resources of appropriate quality.
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