The rapid development of bioenergy necessitates the identification of new accounting objects in the activities of agricultural enterprises involved in the cultivation of energy crops and biomass production. A comprehensive approach to forming accounting and analytical support, starting from the cultivation of energy crops, will ensure the proper organization of accounting at the primary stage, influencing the cost of biomass and the price of biofuels for the end consumer. The purpose of the research is to develop methodological recommendations for accounting for energy crops within the structure of bioenergy assets of agricultural enterprises. During the study, general scientific and special methods of cognition of economic phenomena and processes were applied. In particular, analysis, synthesis, and deduction were used to determine gaps in regulatory and legal acts and scientific literature regarding the methodology of accounting for bioenergy assets. Synthesis and comparison as special methods of scientific cognition were used to justify the need to separate bioenergy assets from biological ones. To provide recommendations on the methodology of reflecting costs for the cultivation of perennial energy crops until they reach maturity and improve the names of accounts for their accounting, analysis and generalization were used. The article justifies the need to separate bioenergy assets from biological ones. It is proposed to improve the Chart of Accounts for the accounting of assets, capital, liabilities, and economic transactions of enterprises and organizations, as well as the Instructions for its application in the part of reflecting bioenergy assets. A feature has been identified by which longterm bioenergy assets can be distinguished from current ones. Recommendations are provided on the methodology of reflecting costs for the cultivation of perennial energy crops until they reach maturity. Further research is needed to improve the accounting of biomass as a secondary bioenergy asset and to choose the optimal method for assessing long-term and current bioenergy assets.
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