Keywords: information security, information threats, state information policy, information resources, information society, national security


The rapid and global development of the information sphere and modern information technologies has a significant impact on the political, economic, socio-cultural, protection, and other components of the development of society and the state. Information resources in modern conditions are becoming a major factor in the life of all spheres of society. The effectiveness of the system of state management of national information resources and ensuring their security largely determines the overall level of information and national security in times of war. Any shortcomings in the structure and functioning of the public administration system lead to losses for society and the state. In this regard, the article considers the key concepts and foundations of state information policy in the field of information and national security. The activity of the state in the information sphere in the conditions of war has been analyzed. In addition, the main directions of the State in the field of information security have been determined. Conceptual approaches to ensuring information security are offered. When developing the concept of the state information policy in order to ensure information and national security of Ukraine, it is necessary to proceed from the need to adopt such fundamental principles as openness of information policy, equality of interests of all participants in information relations, consistency, priority, etc. In this process, the main measures should be aimed at ensuring the state interests of Ukraine and not contradict the social interests of the citizens of the country. We need programs of state funding for information development, ensuring the priority of law over force, etc. Strategic information confrontation is an independent and fundamentally new type of confrontation capable of resolving the conflict without the use of armed forces in the traditional sense. Regularities of information confrontation have been determined and its quantitative characteristics have been analyzed. The article conducts formalization of levels of information weapons of the state and mechanisms of evolution depending on the resource potential of a specific state and the influence of the external environment.


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