Keywords: IT-sector, business models of the IT-sector of Ukraine, financial resources, equity, constant capital, attracted financial resources


The article characterizes sectoral features of the formation and use of financial resources of business entities in the IT-sector of Ukraine. The list of activities, the subjects of which generate information or digital products, is systematized, and, thus, the authors attribute them into the IT-sector. The state of business entities in the IT-sector in 2022 and its dynamics are analyzed through the prism of exports of computer services, the number of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs; employed in this area, the volume of activities for the period 2010-2022. Regularities in the peculiarities of financing enterprises in the IT-sector during 2018-2022 have been identified, in particular, the increase in the amount of financial resources was due to an increase in the amount and share of equity. The volume of financing of enterprises was not significantly affected by the crisis related to the Covid-19 pandemic, and during the martial law imposed in 2022, the industry was able to find such formats of work that were not hindered by interruptions in the supply of electricity, air raids and direct hostilities. A proportional relationship between the increase in profit and the amount of financial resources used by IT-enterprises for their activities has been identified. Due to the growth of constant capital, the financial strength of equity and the long-term financial stability of constant capital have been strengthened. It has been found that for enterprises in the IT sector compared to enterprises in Ukraine in general, the coefficients of financial stability are higher and dependence on debt and other types of attracted capital is lower. It has been found that the coefficients of financial stability for enterprises in the IT-sector compared to enterprises in Ukraine are higher and debt dependence is lower. The conclusions of the study are: the domestic IT-sector, even under martial law, has been developing quite dynamically: the number of IT enterprises and IT sole proprietors, the volume of attracted investments and exports of IT products and services have been constantly growing; the total capital of enterprises grew both due to the increase in equity capital and due to the attracted resources for the long and short term.


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