Keywords: international business, foreign trade operations, globalization, internationalization, international market


The article highlights the scientific issues of research on the peculiarities of international business development, in which the main focus is on taking into account the impact of changing market conditions on the establishment and expansion of foreign trade operations by enterprises. It was revealed that the economic essence of international business should be determined in terms of both the phenomenon and the process of international economic relations. The priority areas of international business development are summarized and attention is focused on what is a type of international activity aimed at conducting business transactions with partners from at least two countries; functions as a result of the development and deepening of the international division of labor and the formation of the international market; is carried out for the purpose of obtaining profit and extends to the international economic sphere; strengthens the business interaction of enterprises of different forms of ownership or their divisions located in different countries; allows maintaining high levels of growth in labor productivity, volume of product sales, and profitability of business operations; an independent field of activity carried out by individuals, companies and other organizations of two or more countries outside national borders for the purpose of obtaining profit; incorporates the best national models, all the best in world practice; covers the world system of information business exchange, the international financial market, the global structure of technological innovations; a system of professional knowledge of a fundamentally higher level than is available in any national (domestic) economic environment; can feel the support of its state in the fight against competitors in many hidden forms. The economic interests of enterprises from the participation and expansion of the spheres of international business development are separately highlighted, which are divided in relation to the expansion of sales of goods, acquisition of resources, diversification of sources of supply and sale of goods.


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