The study draws attention to the issues of foreign economic activity and marketing. Attention is drawn to the fact that enterprises operating in external globalized markets face a high level of competition, which significantly complicates their functioning and development, but also expands the potential due to the significant capacity of market segments, wide purchasing opportunities of consumers, greater investment attractiveness. It has been proven that the use of these opportunities requires the use of modern, non-standard, progressive marketing tools and means. The purpose of the article is to define a set of marketing tools aimed at stimulating and maintaining the processes of expanding the scale of economic activity on the global market. A set of elements and a sequence of policy implementation of marketing tools for expanding the scale of economic activity on the global market have been developed. The basic provisions of the strategies have been determined: (1) increasing the volume of economic activity on global markets, (2) marketing support for the development of economic activity in new markets. The leading marketing tools for stimulating the development and support of foreign economic activity have been identified. The key economic tools for controlling the course of such processes have been identified. It has been proven that the economic activity of enterprises on global markets is more complex and requires the activation of all possible economic tools. At the same time, marketing tools that have a positive impact on the positioning of products on the markets, on increasing the volume of economic activity, and on business efficiency are gaining special relevance and significance. The leading marketing tools that should be implemented at the same time are defined as: customer relationship management or CRM, customer profile, search engine optimization or SEO, content marketing, trigger and targeted mailings, marketing in social networks or SMM, email marketing.
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