Keywords: capital, remittance, financial inclusion, market, Ukraine, economic growth


The development of human resources donor countries, their economic sustainability and the potential for progress depend on the stability of remittance, as well as their cyclical nature in the context of economic shocks. The migration capital market in Ukraine is at the stage of formation, the pace of its development depends on the effectiveness of the implementation of special tools for regulating remittances (monitoring of migration transfers, development of electronic retail payment systems, reduction of transaction costs for remittances, ensuring wide access of migrants to the financial system, stimulating the effective use of migration transfers). A theoretical-conceptual model of development of the migration capital market has been developed, the main vectors of progress have been identified: (1) increasing the investment capacity of migration capital (ensuring a favourable business environment, strengthening and using the competitive advantages of the banking sector as a financial intermediary in the migration capital market, directing part of the migration capital to the banking system); (2) ensuring the targeted orientation of remittance in the development of the small and medium-sized enterprise sector (development of digital and innovative infrastructure, stimulation of the transfer of advanced technologies and resource provision of the business sector in Ukraine, convergence of the socio-economic environment of Ukraine and the main recipient countries of migration capital); (3) ensuring the security of remittance (development of the legal system of official employment of labour migrants abroad, modernization of the migration services market, ensuring financial control over migration transfers); (4) increasing the level of financial inclusion (increasing the financial literacy of migrant workers and their families, developing financial education).


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