The article outlines the significance of the banking system and states that the modern banking system is one of the key elements of the national economy. Banks, being financial intermediaries, serve the sphere of monetary relations, and the macroeconomic balance of the financial and economic sphere depends on their financial stability and liquidity. The purpose of the article is to study the current state of the banking system of Ukraine and outline the prospects for its development in today's conditions. The article describes the main functions of the financial system performed by the banking system. An analysis of the current state of the banking system of Ukraine was carried out and the risks that the military invasion has already made for banking institutions comparing to to the pre-war period were outlined. In particular, the problems of functioning of the banking system of Ukraine are highlighted and attention is focused on the regulatory measures of the NBU in wartime conditions. The changes in the number of banks in Ukraine over the past five years were analyzed and factors affecting their dynamics were outlined. The trends of changes in the activity of banks, namely in the dynamics of the total assets of banks in the section of groups for 2018-2022, net assets of the banking sector by components were studied. The assessment of changes in the loan portfolio of Ukrainian banks by group during the research period was carried out. Attention is focused on the dynamics of the structure of banks' liabilities over the past five years and their individual components, namely deposits. The profitability of the capital and assets of Ukrainian banks by group for 2018-2022 was analyzed and evaluated. Directions for increasing the stability of banks in terms of increasing capital and reducing problem loans are given.Attention is focused on accelerating the pace of digitization in the banking sector. The directions of the further development of the banking system of Ukraine in modern conditions are outlined, and the study of changes in the stability and resilience of the domestic banking system during the war will become a perspective for further research.
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