Keywords: safety of activities in war conditions, human resources management, employee support, activation of staff work, socio-psychological stability, strategies for employee adaptation, strategies for activating staff work


The study of this topic is based on the need to understand the socio-psychological aspects of supporting and activating employees' activities during military conflicts. The conditions of war create a number of stressful situations and psychological challenges for employees, which can negatively affect their performance and mental health. The article is aimed at reviewing the socio-psychological principles that contribute to the creation of support for socialization and performance in the workforce during wartime. The strategies of adaptation and activation of staff work are considered, which contributes to the development of practical tools for the implementation of a system of social and psychological support at enterprises. The authors consider the measures necessary to ensure personnel safety. They emphasize the importance of training staff in self-defense and emergency response skills, as well as the need to create an effective communication and organization system for prompt response to threats. Social measures, such as support and psychological assistance to staff, are also noted as playing an important role in ensuring security and psychological well-being. When considering the socio-psychological aspects of ensuring the safety of staff in wartime, it is also important to take into account the impact of organizational culture and leadership on the formation of a safe and healthy work environment. Organizational culture can influence the perception of safety by staff. Creating a culture where safety is a core value promotes risk awareness and safe practices. Communication about safety, training and constant reminders of the importance of following safety standards are important elements of creating a safe culture. Effective leadership also plays an important role in ensuring staff safety. Leaders must identify safety concerns, set an example of safety compliance, and create an open atmosphere where employees can freely express their observations and suggestions regarding safety. In addition, the psychosocial aspects of staff safety also include understanding the impact of military activities on the mental health of employees. War can lead to stress, anxiety, fatigue and other psychological problems among staff. The organization should have psychological support mechanisms, access to counseling and assistance for employees to ensure their mental well-being. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the development of effective HR management programs in conditions of instability and help improve the social and psychological climate in the workplace during the period of military operations.


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