Keywords: labor protection, economic aspects, labor safety, food industry enterprises


Taking into account the importance of economic interest in compliance with all requirements in accordance with regulatory acts, which is currently one of the main factors in improving the state of labor protection in modern private and public enterprises, there is an urgent need to create economic mechanisms to stimulate the employer to fulfill the obligation to guarantee safe conditions , timely certification of workplaces, application of comprehensive measures to minimize the impact of harmful factors of production on the health of employees.The article examines the economic value of labor protection at food industry enterprises, which is determined by the effectiveness of measures to improve conditions and increase labor safety, as well as the economic expression of the social significance of labor protection, i.e. it is evaluated by the results obtained by changing social indicators by implementing measures to improve working conditions: increasing labor productivity in time, increasing the working time fund, reduces costs associated with staff turnover due to working conditions. As a result of the improvement of working conditions, the psychological environment of the labor team is normalized, work stability and labor productivity are increased. An increase in the working time fund is achieved by reducing daily losses from industrial injuries. Savings in material damage can be achieved due to the cancellation of benefits and compensations for unfavorable working conditions due to non-compliance with relevant sanitary and hygienic requirements and safety rules at the workplace. Improving working conditions, reducing industrial injuries and the occurrence of occupational diseases can have not only social, but also economic benefits, since the results of work on labor protection lead to an increase in the working time fund and an increase in the efficiency of the use of equipment at food industry enterprises, a decrease in staff turnover, the creation of unfavorable working conditions and reduction of compensation costs, reduction of costs related to industrial injuries and illnesses of employees. However, the implementation of measures aimed at improving working conditions and reducing industrial injuries and occupational morbidity requires costs, which often leads to an increase in the cost of products and a decrease in income, which is negatively perceived by many employers. Such expenses are considered unprofitable.


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