Keywords: taxes and payments, tax administration, modern administration technologies, electronic tax reporting


The tax system in the modern world requires constant improvement and adaptation to changes in the global economic environment. The administration of taxes and payments plays a key role in ensuring the financial stability of the state and the development of the economy. The article examines the domestic and foreign experience of using modern technologies in the field of tax administration. Ukraine, like many other countries, is actively implementing information technologies to improve the process of taxes and payments collection as well as their control. One of the examples is the introduction of electronic tax reporting and the electronic tax administration system (e-tax). This allows reducing tax fraud, simplifying tax accounting procedures for businesses and ensuring greater transparency in financial transactions. We have researched that in foreign countries there is an active use of modern technologies in tax administration, they use artificial intelligence to analyze financial statements and detect tax offenses. It is possible to note the introduction of digital tools for collecting and processing tax information, which allows to increase the efficiency and accuracy of tax administration. Cybersecurity and data protection also play an important role in tax administration, as this area contains a large amount of confidential information. Foreign countries have high standards for the protection of tax data and are actively improving systems to prevent cyber attacks. The types of tax audits and the structure of scheduled document audits of taxpayers by the State Tax Service of Ukraine for 2020-2022 have been analyzed. It is proposed to improve the system of tax administration in Ukraine using the best foreign experience in this field in the use of information technologies, electronic administration, data protection, which will ensure budget stability, reduce tax fraud and ensure greater transparency in the field of taxation.


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