Keywords: food security, economic security, food, consumption rate


The problem of addressing food security is very relevant at the global level. Nowadays, the problem of providing humanity with products is increasingly becoming the most important problem of the 21st century. Its solution is an important priority of the state policy of each state and the subject of scientific research. The article determines the relevance of the study of the concept of food security as a component of economic security. The scientific work on defining the concept of food security is considered and systematized. It is determined that providing food security to the population is an important priority of the state policy of any state and the object of scientific research. It has been proven that food security occupies a special place in the life support of society, since the availability of food is the main condition for human life. The main areas of effective food security policy are revealed. Food security through its components is defined and characterized. The components and principles of food security are considered. The main dimensions of food security have been clarified. The peculiarities of food security and threats to its influence are considered. An analysis of the level of consumption of the main types of food products of the population of Ukraine was carried out. The key threats to Ukraine's food security are studied. It has been found that food security directly affects the health of a nation and, as a result, determines demographic security. The urgency of providing the population with high-quality food at the level of scientifically sound consumption norms in terms of effective demand and guaranteeing food security of the country has been confirmed. As a result, it was determined that the safety of food products occupies an important place in ensuring the security of the state along with other types of security, and is also closely related to them.


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