Keywords: costs, cost management system, managerial accounting, internal control, budgeting, internal management reporting, concepts of cost management


A study of the essence of the concept of "cost management" was conducted. The principles of the cost management system of production enterprises are summarized, taking into account the principles of functioning of its components - both managerial accounting and internal control. Based on the principles and functions of the cost management system of enterprises, a list of basic requirements for its organization and functioning was formed, namely: determination of time frames of the budget period and reporting; separation of responsibility centers and their heads; usefulness of information for making management decisions; consideration of the business structure; relationship between budgeting and internal management reporting; use of a single regulatory framework; participation in the budgeting of all units of the enterprise and control over their implementation; the presence of a motivation system. The main tasks of the cost management system of soybean processing enterprises, management methods, management objects and subjects, which serve as the basis of modern concepts of cost management, have been formed. A fragment of the working plan of managerial accounting accounts has been developed for the systematization of information by responsibility centers (cost centers), which will allow the management of the enterprise to receive operational information for making informed decisions. A fragment of the working plan of managerial accounting accounts has been developed for the systematization of information by responsibility centers (cost centers), which will allow the management of the enterprise to receive operational information for making informed decisions. A system of cost budgets and internal management reporting on costs is proposed: budgets and reports of production responsibility centers (cost centers) of main and auxiliary production and budgets and reports of administrative and sales responsibility centers (cost centers) for information support of methodological and organizational principles of management accounting and internal control expenses of soybean processing enterprises. The list of subjects of managerial accounting and internal cost control by responsibility centers (cost centers) and their powers is determined. It is recommended to introduce the concept of "killing- costing" regarding the improvement of the cost management system, which provides for the directed maximum reduction of costs in the shortest possible time without damage to the enterprise's activity and its development prospects.


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