Any activity of the enterprise in order to ensure its continuity and stability is subject to planning, because it allows, according to the defined directions of activity, to follow the course clearly established by the managers in advance, which is followed by the operational cycle. Because it is planning that allows the enterprise to achieve its intended goals by consistently carrying out actions, applying means and spending resources that are necessary for economic activity, which over time and space is reproduced in the form of material goods, that is, products, work and services. Because when, from the beginning of the period, the enterprise relies on the plans made in advance by the managers, which mean the necessary volumes of raw materials and components, the processes of operation of technological lines or mechanisms together with tools and devices, the sequence of work and tasks that after which are subject to comparison and identification of the degree of their fulfillment at the end of the relevant terms. This explains the economic content of planning, which reflects the monetary equivalent of the implementation of operational cycles together with actual results. In this way, the actual meaning of the achieved planning arises, during which the directions of further development of the enterprise for the future perspective take place, which means strategic management. Because it is the development of the strategy during the planning of the future activities of the enterprise, where its further prospects for its development and growth are revealed, ensuring its continued existence. And from here, the role of planning in strategic management at the enterprise emerges through the restructuring of its operational cycle, which indicates clearly defined guidelines, looking at the external environment and the processes that take place there. It is well-founded that planning in strategic management accumulates wide opportunities for each enterprise and its structural divisions in order to expand, develop and improve its own activities, where the main components are standardization and detection of deviations.
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