The global development of the innovation sector and modern information technologies has a significant impact on the economic, political, socio-cultural, defense and other components of the development of society and the state. Innovative resources in modern conditions are becoming a major factor in all spheres of society life. Any shortcomings in the structure and functioning of the innovation system lead to losses for society and the state. In this regard, the article discusses the key concepts and foundations of the national innovation policy. The innovative aspects of entrepreneurial activity in wartime are analyzed. In addition, the main directions of the state in the field of innovation policy are identified. The state of the innovation sphere of Ukraine in international comparisons is assessed. The directions of international scientific and technical cooperation of Ukraine are considered. Conceptual approaches to Ukraine's integration into the scientific and technological space are proposed. When formulating the concept of the state innovation policy, it is necessary to proceed from the need to adopt such basic principles as its openness, equality of all participants in innovation and information relations, systematicity, priority, etc. In this process, the main measures should be aimed at ensuring the state interests of Ukraine and not contradict the social interests of the country's citizens. Programs are needed to provide state funding for innovation activities of enterprises, to ensure the priority of law over force, etc.The article identifies the patterns of innovative development and ways to integrate Ukraine into the European Research Area. The innovative activity of the industrial sector of Ukraine's economy in the regional context of the application by large enterprises of the results of technical progress of Industry 4.0 (Internet of Things) is assessed. The author formalizes the innovation sphere of the state and its dependence on the resource potential, the impact of globalization processes, etc.
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