An analysis of the critical situation in the sports environment due to military aggression by a neighboring state has been conducted. Changes in the sports life of Ukraine have been analyzed. The necessity of implementing a correct and clear vector of post-war transformation of the sports space regarding the return of athletes to Ukraine has been substantiated. The conditions of modernity, which make the issue of migration of Ukrainian athletes extremely relevant, have been examined. Scientific works on the study of international migration processes and the creation of a holistic science of "migrationology", as well as the problems of international labor migration of a number of domestic and foreign scientists, have been analyzed. The initial problems at the very beginning of the invasion related to the sports life of Ukrainian athletes, their training camps and competitions are shown. The dependency of physical fitness and recreational activities, development of reserve sports and high-achievement sports on the financial capabilities of local authorities is presented. The concept of forced migration of athletes in the context of armed aggression is clarified. The outflow and non-return of several athletes and the resulting forced reformation of Ukraine's national teams have been analyzed. The possibilities of integrating athletes into the educational and sports community of the host parties of other states are revealed. Key aspects that determine the dynamics of globalization processes in the field of highachievement sports are presented. A simplified scheme of forced migration of athletes under the influence of military events in the context of transforming the sports space is introduced. The problem of the attitude of sports federations towards athletes leaving the country during military events is investigated. Essential systemic support for athletes through forced migration from sports federations and the state is highlighted. Several perspectives on post-war transformation of the sports space regarding the return of athletes to Ukraine from other host countries are proposed. Key stages, proposals, and additional aspects that can be included in the post-war transformation of the sports space are presented. A forecast of additional proposals and visions for solving the problem of athletes' migration in wartime conditions is made.
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