The article is devoted to the actual problem of researching innovative entrepreneurship in modern conditions of a fast-moving external environment. The goals of the article are to determine the trends in the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the environment of innovative ecosystems. In the course of the research, it was found that the concepts of innovation and innovative activity are differentiated according to the purpose of using the results of technological developments and intellectual work. it is shown that international institutions define entrepreneurship as the process of using initiative to transform a business concept into a new innovative ideology, while Ukrainian legislation does not emphasize the innovative nature of entrepreneurship. It has been found that under the influence of global transformations, the classical linear approach to the innovation process, which involves a downward flow of knowledge from fundamental science and applied research to its implementation in innovation, is replaced by an interactive (cyclical) approach that allows the use of branched channels for the concentration of innovative ideas, and also involve stakeholders in the stages of production and commercialization of innovations. The need for institutional regulation and state support of innovative entrepreneurship is determined by the complexity of organizing scientific research and technology transfer, the low interest of entrepreneurial structures in achieving a significant social effect, and the unclear competitive positions of enterprises at various stages of the innovation process. It was revealed that the organizational transformation of innovative entrepreneurship led to the spread of innovative ecosystems. Modern concepts of the development of the innovative eco-environment are aimed at innovative transformations of business structures, the innovative ecosystem of which combines the functional characteristics of industrial and entrepreneurial ecosystems, taking into account the resource base and the existing innovation potential. It is advisable to focus further research on the issues of conceptualizing the innovative transformation of managerial decision-making.
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