Keywords: social security, national security, humanitarian aid, war, international cooperation, evaluation of the level of social security, recovery, social security mechanisms


The article is devoted to the search for mechanisms to overcome the social crisis in the conditions of long-term military aggression. The purpose of the study is to analyze the humanitarian aspects of the social security recovery in Ukraine. The principles and the real state of social security in Ukraine in the pre-war period are analyzed. It is substantiated that in Ukraine, social security is not a priority branch of national security, in the definition of which the protection of state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the democratic constitutional order is put first. In the prewar period, a moderate level of social security was found, with a clear connection with the general laws of socioeconomic development. The losses of the social sphere of Ukraine from military aggression and the need for urgent humanitarian aid were determined. The analysis of open information sources made it possible to assert the catastrophic situation in the sphere of social security of Ukrainian society due to war-induced destruction of housing stock, social infrastructure, environmental consequences and risks of famine. The article analyzes the involved mechanisms of ensuring social security and analyzes the principles of international humanitarian aid. It was emphasized that the real scale of the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the war cannot be estimated due to the continued aggression of the Russian Federation. The main problems are related to the violation of mechanisms for the protection of vulnerable population groups, a large wave of refugees, an increase in the risk of diseases, the interruption of the process of children's education, violence and munitions detonation cases. Determining the need for urgent humanitarian aid allows overcoming the consequences of the crisis in regions freed from occupation or in which active hostilities were conducted. It was noted that international humanitarian aid made it possible to solve the problems of the acute phase of the social crisis. Under the coordination of the UN, funds have been directed to Ukraine for urgent accommodation and food for refugees, health care, provision of drinking water and sanitation, children protection, demining. UNICEF organized the recovery of medical facilities, psychosocial support for children and women. This article initiates a global discussion about the role and place of humanitarian aspects in ensuring the social security of a state suffering from armed aggression. It is advisable to focus further research on the idea of joint overcoming of the humanitarian crisis by a united international community.


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