Keywords: inventory, inventory management, strategies, logistics chains, crisis conditions, military conflict, economic instability


This article is devoted to the analysis and optimization of the inventory management system at enterprises in order to increase efficiency and reduce costs. The research examines the actual problem of effective use of resources in modern conditions, where market conditions and technological innovations become determining factors for manufacturing enterprises. The study includes an analysis of the current inventory management system in the context of military conflict and geopolitical instability, aimed at uncovering new management systems in the manufacturing industry and applying these strategies to optimize and increase the efficiency of inventory management. The impact of the military conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic stability of enterprises is investigated. In particular, it discusses the use of such strategies as: "ABC analysis", "Integrated IT systems", "RFID technologies" and "Just in time" strategies, which play an important role in solving the challenges of crisis management of stocks. Special attention is paid to the implementation of innovative methods of inventory management and adaptation to changes in market conditions. The research that was conducted will help Ukrainian enterprises to choose an inventory management strategy that would best meet their specific needs and characteristics. The article also analyzes the problems faced by enterprises in the management of stocks in crisis conditions, and examines possible ways to solve these problems. In particular, challenges in the conditions of interrupted logistics chains are investigated and the issue of using widespread inventory management models in Ukrainian practice is considered. Also considered are the main challenges and opportunities when applying the "Just in time" strategy, namely: diversification of suppliers, adaptation to changes in demand, strategic storage of reserves, flexible production system, preservation of security and data protection, and cooperation with suppliers. Given the above, it has been demonstrated that regardless of the nature of the challenge whether it is a global pandemic or a military conflict it is important to have adaptive strategies and effective inventory management tools to ensure resilience and successful operations in unpredictable circumstances.


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