Keywords: agrarian export, agrarian sector of the economy, agrarian products, export activity, agrarian enterprises


It is known that agricultural exports reflect the formation of the system of both internal economic relations and external relations. Important resource, economic, social and other competitive advantages of the country are concentrated in agricultural exports. The article emphasizes the numerous advantages of the country thanks to the establishment and development of agricultural exports. The role of agricultural export for the economy of Ukraine in the conditions of modern challenges is highlighted. In Ukraine, the export activity of enterprises in the agrarian sector of the economy takes place in the conditions of war, which critically changes the mechanisms of organization and development of such activity. Accordingly, scientific research should be directed to the development of methodical foundations, by which it is possible to achieve high efficiency of the organization and development of such mechanisms. The conceptual characteristics of the mechanisms of domestic agricultural export development in the conditions of modern challenges are substantiated, where the basic elements in the construction of the export activity management system are highlighted. It is suggested that when developing and implementing mechanisms for the development of domestic agrarian exports, the main attention should be paid to the composition of subjects and the achievement of the interests of each of them. The basic provisions of mechanisms for the development of domestic agrarian exports in accordance with the specifics of the world exchange trade of agrarian products, organizational-economic and technical-technological support of infrastructure development, information and analytical support of foreign trade relations, establishment of financial and credit relations, functioning of the state-regulatory system for managing export activities are separately highlighted. It was noted that the mechanisms of agricultural export development in specific modern conditions should be developed taking into account the qualitative simultaneous application of the policy of import substitution and its complementarity with the policy of stimulating export activity.


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