Keywords: international relations, European integration, state regulation, migration policy, migration processes, international migration, marketing tools


The study draws attention to the problem of activation of migration processes in Ukraine in the conditions of war and European integration. Although the intensification of external migration, in one or another of its forms and manifestations, became characteristic of Ukraine in the pre-war time period, both the intensity (significant volumes and their acceleration) and the negative structural characteristics of migration, when the volumes grow, should be considered especially negative and the share of migration of young people, specialized specialists, intellectual and personnel resources, etc., is increasing. The purpose of the article is to determine the tools for regulating migration processes in the conditions of deepening the European integration of Ukraine.It is shown and proven that a systematic approach to the study of the migration policy of the country, in particular of Ukraine during its European integration aspirations, requires the use of adequate methods and methodical tools, namely marketing in relation to the regulation of population migration processes. The instruments of regulation of international migration in Ukraine have been determined, in particular, according to the directions of the predominance of migration flows; according to the purpose of the demographic structure in the light of optimizing the reproduction of the socio-demographic potential of the country; by the nature of planning and the specifics of the country's socio-economic development. The main subjects of the formation and implementation of the policy of regulation of international migration processes during the European integration of Ukraine are indicated. Their leading functions and tasks are summarized. It was concluded that the critically high volumes of both external and internal migration in Ukraine during the war are evidence of insufficiently effective migration policy in the country. The main shortcomings of such a policy are pointed out, in particular, the failure to form a single integrated system of institutional support for migration policy planning; failure to take into account the peculiarities of migration processes and related problems in certain regions and in specific socio-demographic groups; lack of migration policy programming at the central, regional and local levels, etc.


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