Keywords: Ukraine, recovery, population, infrastructure, country, future, investments


The brutal military conflict in Ukraine continues to leave behind an unprecedented amount of destroyed infrastructure, mutilated businesses and mutilated human lives in modern Ukraine, leaving behind devastation and loss, but the spirit of resilience remains unchanged, fueled by a determination not just to rebuild, but to reimagine, reinvent own future, which is inspired by economic growth and development at all levels of the country. This difficult path to national revival will unfold in a network of challenges that require a multifaceted approach. Understanding and recognizing risks and how to deal with them is the only way to enter a successful future, which determines the essential relevance of research. The quantitative assessment of the country's already existing losses is reflected in the analysis. Falling GDP, rising inflation and real unemployment are not just indicators; these are already established prerequisites for the difficult road to reconstruction that lies ahead. Understanding the complex interweaving of these economic phenomena will be crucial for the formulation of effective economic policy. The planned volume of funding for Ukraine's recovery plan in the amount of 750 billion dollars is indeed ambitious, but it is necessary for Ukraine to fully recover from the war. The plan involves attracting funds from various sources, including grants, loans and private investments, reparations. The largest sums of funding will be directed to the restoration of infrastructure, modernization of the energy sector and support of the financial system. They are the priority directions for the recovery of Ukraine, as they form the basis of the country. This approach is effective, but its full implementation in conditions of uncertainty may be far from guaranteed. It is important that a well-coordinated plan "B" is drawn up for the recovery of Ukraine, which will ensure the minimum and most important needs of the country and the population. Equally important is the prioritization of investments in human capital, which will increase the confidence of the population and fight unemployment more effectively. By adhering to transparency, accountability and navigating the complexities of the global economic landscape, Ukraine can pave the way to a more sustainable and truly just future. Summing up, it should be noted that the planned amount of financing of the recovery plan of Ukraine is an important first step towards solving the problem. However, there are a number of risks due to which a significant amount of the necessary resources may not be able to be attracted. Solving these challenges will be the most important task. The analysis of other challenges with a more individual approach to investment spheres is the main space for researchers who should continue to work tirelessly on their solution to ensure a soft entry into the future for Ukraine.


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