Keywords: agro-industrial logistics, supply chains, disruption, optimization, war, agricultural sector.


Abstract. This article is devoted to the extremely urgent problems of optimizing the agro-industrial logistics of Ukraine in the conditions of a serious disruption of established supply chains caused by Russian military aggression. The high significance of conducting a thorough study of the destructive impact of war on the functioning of the agrologistics system of Ukraine is substantiated, given the exceptionally important role of the agro-industrial sector in the structure of the national economy and its significant contribution to the formation of GDP, export revenues, and food security of the state. The purpose of the article is to develop scientifically substantiated and practice-oriented recommendations for a substantial increase in the efficiency of agro-logistics functioning in the extremely difficult conditions of large-scale military aggression based on a comprehensive analysis of key problems, destructive factors, as well as the study and adaptation of the world's best practices in anti-crisis management of logistics systems. As a result of the conducted research, the main challenges and threats to the sustainable development of Ukraine's agro-logistics, which arose as a result of the large-scale war unleashed by the Russian Federation against our state, were identified, classified, and systematically analyzed. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of key quantitative and qualitative indicators of the performance of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and its logistics infrastructure in the pre-war and war periods, the main negative trends and imbalances were revealed. Using relevant statistical data from authoritative official sources, the scale of the reduction in production and export of main types of agricultural products, significant changes in the structure of logistics flows due to the blockade of Ukrainian seaports by the aggressor, and significant destruction of infrastructure during the active phase of hostilities are clearly demonstrated. The estimated amounts of necessary investments in the key areas of restoration, modernization, and expansion of the logistics potential of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex to the pre-war level and taking into account new challenges are determined. A set of priority directions for optimizing agro-logistics in the conditions of military operations is proposed, which includes the development of alternative logistics infrastructure to replace the destroyed or blocked one, maximum diversification of export routes and development of new sales markets, introduction of modern digital technologies for logistics management, multi-level state support for agricultural producers through compensation of part of logistics costs, insurance of military risks, preferential lending, as well as deepening international cooperation to unblock ports, attract investment in agricultural infrastructure, and counter export restrictions. A wide range of prospective directions for further research on this issue is outlined, which should include an in-depth analysis of the world's best experience in anti-crisis agro-logistics and the development on this basis of methodological tools for integrated assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation at the national level of a set of optimization measures to increase the resilience of Ukraine's agro-industrial logistics in wartime.


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