Keywords: region, regional development, investments, investment policy, goals and objectives, implementation mechanisms.


Abstract. The study updates the issues of formation and implementation of the state investment policy at the regional level. It is emphasized and argued that achieving the tasks of regional and local authorities in terms of meeting the investment needs of the economy and society, leveling challenges and threats to the functioning and development of the economy in the investment sphere, realizing the investment potential in relation to the expanded reproduction of the economic system, require the implementation of a comprehensive approach. It has been proven that such an approach can be implemented on the basis of modern methodological principles. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodological foundations of the formation of investment policy mechanisms in the system of regional development. It was determined that there are connections between the results of the investment policy and the achievement of the goal, strategic goals and tasks of regional development, which in the vast majority are institutionally coordinated within the limits and on the basis of state and regional strategies for the development of regions. It has been proven that such a policy requires coordination of mechanisms and tasks of regional policy in general and investment policy in the region in particular. The goal of regional policy in the analyzed area is determined. It has been proven that this is the formation, rational and effective use of investments for the needs of sustainable, balanced development of the economy, population and business, countering modern challenges and threats to regional development. The basic mechanisms of investment policy and their toolkit have been developed, which are oriented towards solving the tasks of overcoming challenges and achieving the goals of regional development, namely, institutional, socio-economic, financial-economic, innovative-technological and political-management, aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and systemic integration ties at all levels of relations.


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