Keywords: grants, export, export during the war, EU Grants, European Commission grants, Horizon Europe, Single Market Programme, Connecting Europe Facility, EU4business, USAID, program opportunities, program requirements.


Abstract. The article examines the possibilities of grant funds and programs that are relevant for Ukraine in wartime conditions to support business of export-oriented companies. 10 main grant instruments are outlined, which are in effect as of March 2024, but a number of programs will be relevant with current priorities until 2027. As it turned out, there are open opportunities for Ukrainian export-oriented business companies to participate in grant competitions of such large programs of the European Commission: Horizon Europe, Single Market Program, Connecting Europe Facility. Also, it is noted that the European Commission has already announced a number of grant proposals aimed at supporting Ukrainian entrepreneurs. The initiatives have a common name "ReadyForEU". The research focuses on a number of EU4business program grant competitions. It was emphasized that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) also offers grant programs for Ukrainian enterprises to strengthen and expand export activities. It was separately emphasized that entrepreneurs from Ukraine can take advantage of a compensation grant from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). It was emphasized that the Bank can finance measures aimed at strengthening export potential, for example: development of appropriate strategies, marketing solutions, preparation for certification according to international standards, optimization of business processes, etc. The results of the study showed that a number of grant programs originating from the USA and the European Union operate in Ukraine. They offer financial and technical support to representatives of Ukrainian micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in order to stimulate the export of our country. Entrepreneurs can use nonrefundable grant resources for projects for export-oriented activities. It is emphasized that a wide range of activities can be financed: from consulting and training to the purchase of equipment and participation in international trade events. Available amounts of grant funding are emphasized: from several thousand dollars/euro to several million, depending on the scale of the program and the priorities of the competitions.


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