• V. V. Naumchuk Polissia National University
Keywords: Information innovations, efficiency, land relations, management, cadastre, GIS technologies.


Abstract. This article explores the role of information innovations in enhancing the economic efficiency of land resource management. The author examines various aspects of the implementation of modern information technologies in the processes of land use planning and land management, which includes the use of GIS technologies, remote sensing of the Earth, and land data management systems. Practical examples of the effective use of digital tools are discussed, which allow for the optimization of the distribution and use of land resources, reducing costs and increasing the profitability of land use. Special attention is given to analyzing the impact of these technologies on the formation of land use policy and management of land resources at various levels, from local to national. It is substantiated that the process of integrating modern IT solutions and digital technologies encompasses the collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of information about land resources, which facilitates the making of well-founded decisions at all levels of management. One of the key innovations is the digitization of the land cadastre, which involves the creation and maintenance of electronic databases of land plots, their characteristics, ownership rights, and restrictions. This ensures transparency of land relations, simplifies access to information for citizens and businesses, and enhances the efficiency of land administration. The use of GIS in land management allows for the integration of various data about land resources, promoting effective land use planning and monitoring changes. Big Data and artificial intelligence technologies open new opportunities for analyzing large volumes of data, identifying anomalies and risks, thus supporting timely and well-founded decision-making. The development of digital platforms that engage the public in management processes enhances the principles of transparency and openness, allowing citizens to actively participate in decisions related to land use. Additionally, electronic services for land operations significantly simplify procedures, reduce corruption risks, and increase the availability of services, marking a step towards the modernization of management and the achievement of sustainable development goals.


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