Keywords: Internet of Things, digital transformation, customs, efficiency, trade, food.


Abstract. Ukraine's obtaining the status of a candidate for accession to the European Union opens up new perspectives and emphasizes the importance of support from the EU. In this context, there is an urgent issue of adaptation to modern economic challenges, especially the need to improve the customs policy of Ukraine, which allows to contribute to the strengthening of national security and stabilization of the economy. This article explores the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital transformation on the efficiency of customs operations within the context of the liberalization of international food trade, which is particularly relevant for Ukraine as a key food producer in the global markets. The authors analyze how the adoption of modern technologies can facilitate the optimization of customs procedures, improve transparency, and reduce cargo processing time, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of Ukrainian agro-exports. The article discusses the main aspects of applying IoT for real-time cargo tracking, data collection automation, and enhancing the security level of customs operations. Attention is also given to the digital transformation of customs, which enables effective interaction with trade partners and other stakeholders, promoting the liberalization of food trade. The authors discuss potential challenges and obstacles in integrating cutting-edge technologies into customs operations and offer recommendations to overcome these difficulties, taking into account the specifics of the Ukrainian market. The article emphasizes the importance of digitization and innovation for the development of international food trade, highlighting the need for further research and development in this area to ensure sustainable growth and development of the global economy, with a special focus on Ukraine's contribution. It was concluded that the automation of customs procedures with the help of digital technologies opens up new opportunities for optimizing processes, reducing human errors, ensuring data integrity and reducing customs clearance time, which is especially valuable for the prompt movement of food products across borders.


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