Keywords: service sector, enterprises, innovations, challenges, development, efficiency, management system, strategy.


Abstract. The need for post-war rebuilding of the Ukrainian economy puts on the agenda the formation of a system of effective management of innovative activities of domestic enterprises in the service sector as one of the main tasks in the field of competitive development. Peculiarities of the functioning of Ukrainian enterprises in the field of services in the conditions of martial law were studied, and attention was focused on their ability to operate effectively and to form development prospects based on innovativeness. The main goal of the article is the classification of factors that influence the innovative development of enterprises in the service sector, the substantiation of the principles and elements of the management system of their innovative activities, the determination of the main strategic directions for the adaptation and development of enterprises in the service sector in modern conditions. Endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the innovative development of enterprises in the service sector are singled out. It is substantiated that the innovative development of enterprises in the service sector should be carried out on the basis of the integration of the innovation management system into the enterprise management system, according to the principles of complexity, dynamism and flexibility, the variability of the development of plans and ways of achieving goals, strategic orientation on the formation and development of the enterprise's potential. The elements of the system of management of innovative activities of enterprises in the service sector and the main strategic directions of their adaptation and development in modern conditions are substantiated. It was concluded that among the many problems currently being solved at domestic enterprises in the service sector, special attention should be paid to the problem of implementing the principles of effective management of innovative activities. The war had a strong impact on the Ukrainian market, but the functioning of business is necessary for society both to support the army and Ukrainian consumers, and to implement the processes of European integration. To date, a certain adaptation of the service sector to the conditions of war has already taken place. However, to continue functioning, ensuring competitiveness and development, new orders, sales markets, investments in development, development of innovative activities are necessary.


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