Keywords: inventory, resources, production, capacity, optimization, model, effect, stock, procurement, demand, control, programming, probability.


Abstract. In the context of modern economic instability, caused by global challenges and local conflicts, ensuring the uninterrupted supply of raw materials for the production of finished goods has become an increasingly relevant issue for enterprises. In Ukraine, where the economy is significantly impacted by military actions, effective inventory management has gained particular importance. The main problem addressed in this article is the necessity to ensure sufficient volumes of raw materials in the company's warehouse to minimize the risk of production stoppages due to their shortage. The article analyzes recent research and publications in the field of raw material inventory management. Particular attention is paid to the works of Professor David Simchi-Levi, which emphasize the importance of integrating supply chains and using stochastic models to forecast demand and manage inventories. Additionally, the studies of Professors Houck Lee and Lin Chen are reviewed, examining the impact of political and economic factors on the stability of supply chains in crisis situations. The significant contribution to the development of inventory management theory and practice by domestic scientists, who have adapted global inventory management models to the specific conditions of the Ukrainian economy, is also considered. The article proposes the development of an optimal mathematical model for inventory management, which takes into account key parameters, including supply volumes, probability of shortages, and losses from production stoppages. A dynamic programming algorithm is also proposed to determine the optimal loading of warehouse capacity with various types of raw materials and to conduct possible simulations. The economic effect of implementing the model includes calculating potential reductions in production losses and financial losses, as well as the impact of inventory optimization on overall production efficiency. The research emphasizes the necessity of using stochastic models and dynamic programming to optimize resource inventories in conditions of economic instability and military actions in Ukraine. The proposed models allow minimizing the risks of resource shortages and ensuring the stability of finished goods production. The proposed research conclusions indicate the necessity to develop reliable inventory management models that consider the specifics of the Ukrainian economic environment. Further research in this area could focus on expanding inventory management models, implementing new technologies, conducting economic analysis and risk assessment, and integrating environmental and social aspects to ensure sustainable enterprise development.


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