Keywords: artificial intelligence, work motivation, automation, work processes, work efficiency, technological changes, innovations in work.


Abstract. Observations show that automation and intelligent systems can have both positive and negative effects on employee motivation. However, so far not enough research has focused on this problem, and therefore there is a need for a deeper analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence on motivation. The article examines the impact of artificial intelligence on employee work motivation. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and its introduction in various spheres of life, there is a need to consider the impact of these technologies on key aspects of human activity, in particular on work motivation. It is substantiated that growing automation and introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in various spheres of life create new challenges for human work and motivation to work. The positive impact of artificial intelligence on work motivation is considered, namely: it has been proven that the introduction of artificial intelligence into business processes can contribute to increasing labor efficiency and stimulate employees to selfrealization through the automation of routine tasks and improvement of the decisions quality. It has been proven that an algorithmic approach to work, which is implemented thanks to artificial intelligence, can help reduce the level of stress and fatigue among staff, as most routine tasks are subject to automation, leaving people time for more creative and sophisticated tasks. Thus, artificial intelligence serves as a tool for promoting innovative activity and developing personal competencies of employees of enterprises and organizations. In addition, it is argued that artificial intelligence can be used to analyze performance data, identify strengths and weaknesses of the workforce and employee teams, and to personalize approaches to motivation based on personal interests and skills. This contributes to the creation of more adaptive and flexible personnel management systems that take into account individual needs and motivation. In general, the study confirms that artificial intelligence opens up new perspectives for improving the motivation of employees of enterprises and organizations and the work process in general, but it is necessary to maintain a balance between automation and human participation in the work process to achieve optimal results.


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