Keywords: marketing strategy, marketing activity, B2C and B2B business, specifics of the market, enterprises, strategic approaches, target audience.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the definition of approaches to choosing a marketing strategy in the conditions of B2C and B2B business, which allows to connect the capabilities of business entities with their market needs, ensures obtaining significant advantages over competitors and contributes to the improvement of functioning in conditions of changes in the external environment. It is noted that in the comparison of marketing activities on B2C and B2B markets there are common features, but there are significant differences. A comparison of key approaches to the selection of marketing strategies for B2C and B2B business, taking into account the target audience, the peculiarities of purchasing decisions, the duration of the sales cycle and marketing channels, was carried out. It is emphasized that when choosing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to take into account the type of interaction with customers, the specifics of which are related to approaches to sales, market segmentation, and providing customer service in B2C and B2B business conditions. It has been proven that taking into account the differences between B2C and B2B approaches allows companies to effectively adapt marketing strategies to the needs of the target audience and maximize the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. It is indicated that understanding the differences also helps companies to effectively plan and implement their own marketing campaigns, ensuring greater effectiveness and business success in both market segments. On this basis, it is recommended to identify trends and prospects in the B2C and B2B markets, which are important to take as a basis for the formation of marketing strategies of enterprises, which is necessary for achieving success in the direction of their further development. The main trends of the B2C and B2B markets in 2024 are indicated, which include the growing role of digital technologies in communication with customers, the implementation of innovative promotion strategies, personalization of communications, video and content marketing. It is substantiated that interaction with the rapidly changing needs of consumers and the influence of social networks on the development of B2C and B2B business are the most important issues for enterprises in today's conditions of market uncertainty.


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