Keywords: digital technologies, innovation potential, digital transformation, digital strategies, hybrid infrastructure, digital dossier of medicinal products, digitalization of pharmacovigilance.


Abstract. The article examines topical issues of the mutual influence of digitalization and innovative development of companies, since digital transformation occurs precisely through the use of innovative digital technologies. The purpose of the article is to study the main problems and features of the processes of digitalization and innovative development of enterprises, and to determine the prospects for introducing innovations in the context of digital transformation. The study found that digital technologies allow optimizing work processes, automating routine tasks, and analyzing large amounts of data to make optimal management decisions. It is found that one of the prerequisites for the successful adaptation of an enterprise in the era of digital transformation is active innovation, and the processes of digitalization and innovation are inextricably interconnected. It is determined that the introduction of innovations enables enterprises to transform or modernize their business models to adapt more quickly to the requirements of digital transformation. The main advantages of using innovative digital technologies for business entities are highlighted. A number of obstacles to achieving a positive effect from digital strategies are identified. The influence of digitalization on the innovative potential of an enterprise is studied on the example of PrJSC "Pharmaceutical Firm "Darnitsa". It is found out that the strategic goal of the PrJSC "Pharmaceutical Firm "Darnitsa" is expansion and growth through the introduction of new technologies and innovations, thanks to which the company stimulates its development, taking into account market advantages. The content and results of the company's implementation of such digital innovative technologies as hybrid infrastructure, digital dossier of medicinal products, and digitalization of pharmacovigilance are considered. It is determined that the decentralization of clinical trials, focused on the needs of patients, is an important step towards further innovative development of the PrJSC Pharmaceutical Firm "Darnitsa". The article provides recommendations on the introduction of innovative components into decentralized clinical trials of the PrJSC Pharmaceutical Firm "Darnitsa", aimed at maximizing the benefits of decentralized clinical trials, which will help to increase the company's competitiveness and efficiency.


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