Keywords: marketing strategy, strategic planning, global markets, international trade, economic activity, development, volume expansion.


Abstract. In the study, the attention to the problems of the development of foreign trade activities of domestic business entities is updated. It is emphasized and argued that careful and high-quality strategic planning of the formation of a system for the activation of international trade activity allows the enterprise to steadily increase the volume of foreign economic activity and expand the scope of its own expansion in foreign markets for the sale of goods (services). It has been proven that such an approach can be implemented on the basis of modern tools of strategic planning in the field of marketing. The purpose of the article is to generalize aspects of strategic planning for the development of international trade activities of the enterprise. It was determined that the establishment of a system of international trade activity of the enterprise is a high-cost, organizationally complex process and requires significant time spent on organizing the relevant work, building reliable and efficient channels for goods flows, ensuring the economic security of all processes and system participants. It has been proven that during the strategic planning of the development of international trade activities, domestic enterprises can choose the following strategic alternatives: (1) export of products; (2) conclusion of contracts; (3) investing in the creation of joint ventures or in the opening of new business entities; (4) initiation and development of strategic alliances. The dominant factors that should be taken into account by domestic enterprises during the strategic planning of their own international trade activities have been determined. Such factors include international aspects of risk, own internal capabilities, their impact on the volumes, profitability and profitability of each of the projects, the availability of assets, sources and opportunities for their financing, the level of costintensiveness and the structure of costs, the volume of marketing costs, increasing market potential, increasing the market share, volumes of foreign trade operations, etc.


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