Keywords: state regulation, financial policy, financial potential, agricultural enterprises, financial instruments, credit resources, leasing, investment activity.


Abstract. Agriculture is not only a strategic sector of the economy that ensures the country's food security but also a complex that requires constant development and modernization. The effective functioning of agricultural enterprises largely depends on their financial potential, which is formed under the influence of a number of factors, including state regulation. The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of state financial policy on the development of the financial potential of agricultural enterprises. The main goals of the article are the analysis of state financial policy instruments that affect the possibilities of attracting credit resources, as well as the features of their implementation under modern conditions. The essence of the financial potential is revealed, the need for state regulation of the formation of the financial potential of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. It is emphasized that the state financial policy plays an important role in ensuring the balance of the financial potential of agricultural enterprises, which is due to the need for external management of their financial potential based on the principle of effective state regulation. The components of state support for the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine, which are aimed at supporting agriculture and the development of rural areas, are singled out. The tools and mechanisms of financial policy as a component of state regulation have been studied, their practical application has been analyzed, in particular, in matters of attracting credit and leasing resources, reducing their cost. The priority directions for improving the state policy regarding the formation of the financial potential of agricultural enterprises have been determined. In the course of the study, the need to promote crediting of agricultural enterprises with the help of preferential credit programs and guarantees is substantiated, which will increase the availability of credit resources for agricultural enterprises and contribute to their development. Improvement of state policy in this area should be based on such principles as: systematic, comprehensive, targeted, stimulation of innovative and investment activity, ensuring equal conditions for the development of all forms of management.


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