Keywords: agricultural sector, risks, threats, directions of development, state, financial security, regulation.


Abstract. The specificity of the functioning of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine is studied as well as the most common types of risks in the field of agribusiness and other threats to agribusiness that arise in the conditions of the globalization of economic relations. It is noted the presence of favorable climatic conditions and natural and labor resources, a sufficiently powerful level of development of the domestic agricultural industry, which allows to declare the sufficiently strong positions of Ukrainian agricultural producers on the global market of key agro-food products, which traditionally provide the supply of significant volumes of food to the international market, exporting more than 70 % of the volumes of grain and other agricultural products produced in Ukraine, thus forming more than 10% of the gross domestic product of the state economy. At the same time, it is emphasized the need to overcome the negative nature of the circumstances that accompany the evolutionary development of the field of agricultural production. It is noted that the factors that slow down the pace of adaptation to modern challenges are the disparity of prices for industrial and agricultural products, which has been observed until now, the lack of transparency of schemes for the sale of agricultural products, the difficulties of agricultural producers in solving the issue of securing financial and credit resources, and the low attractiveness of the agricultural sector for investment. Steps that the state can take to alleviate such circumstances are proposed, in particular: limiting or banning the export of certain types of agricultural products, introducing the need to obtain permits for the export of grain crops, eggs and poultry meat; prohibition of export of fertilizers; simplification of seed import; introduction of a system of tax benefits, reduction of excise duties and VAT on fuel for agricultural producers, providing them with financial support, etc. Risk management requires measures such as crop insurance, crop diversification, sound financial planning and careful monitoring of market conditions, state intervention if necessary through appropriate regulatory means.


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