The increase in volume and intensity of resource, financial, information and other commodity flows between business entities and countries of the world turns entrepreneurship into a key globalization factor of world economic development. Economy and entrepreneurship are faced with the problem of limited resources, which is considered classic in the specialized literature on economics. In recent decades, its solution has been complicated by the growth of the population, as a result of which the so-called "resource scissors" have become an increasingly significant obstacle to the development of the economy and business. The authors prove that the basic foundation intended to set the trend for the further development of societies is the fundamental natural laws of economic activities. The experience of economic activities on a natural basis testifies to the real presence of a life-affirming trend in the practice of both Ukrainian and global entrepreneurship, which is intended to be life-saving for current and future generations. The article aims to expand the conceptual provisions of the natural paradigm of physical economy in the interpretations of its founders and followers, as well as demonstrate cases of successful implementation of these principles in entrepreneurial practices for producing energy of progress. Natural approaches significantly affect the content, forms and attributes of entrepreneurship. In the future, they are called to provide economy and entrepreneurship of the 21st century with anti-entropic, life-affirming content. It was concluded that the aggravation of environmental, demographic, economic, and social problems, contrary to the intentions and efforts of the public, politicians, and the business community to solve them, testifies to the lack of worldview positions adequate to global challenges, which turn into threats to the livelihoods of modern and future generations. The natural laws of economy are the fundamental foundation designed to set the trend for the further development of societies. Physical economy and, above all, its Ukrainian scientific school, are the embodiment of natural foundations in the field of economic and entrepreneurial activity. The transformation of the real and monetary sectors of the economy on a natural basis is becoming a priority direction for the development of economy and entrepreneurship.
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